How You Can Influence Your Return On Luck

After the numerous challenges of the past year, everyone was hoping for a great year with lots of ‘luck.’ Most of us believe that luck happens by chance. Luck, we believe, is something you cannot plan for or obtain by design. Luck is fated, or written in the stars.

A Peek Into the Diary of an HR Intern

Coming into this role as a People and Culture (commonly known as Human Resources) intern, I did not know what to expect. As a psychology undergraduate, my impression of HR was administrative work.

Taking unpaid leave? Here’s what you should know.

Unpaid leave is leave given to the employees without salary, according to the period of the leave taken. In Indonesia, unpaid leave can be given for various reasons, so long not regulated in the labor law (UU Ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003) as the paid leave types. Commonly, unpaid leave is given for personal or […]

PP Tapera. What you should know.

The Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) No. 25 year 2020 about the Housing Saving (Tabungan Perumahan/Tapera) has been issued in 20 May 2020 to be run by the Badan Pengelola Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat (BP Tapera). These are the things you should know about the so called PP Tapera; How it works Employees will be required to […]

Is WFH the New Normal? How will Startups cope?

Covid-19 has ushered in a new era in which work from home is a necessity and not a privilege. The success of WFH and the benefits associated with it, will encourage organizations to accept it as a norm in the coming days. Abighyan Chand, the Editor at LinkedIn news wrote: As millions of employees around […]

Late THR Payments – Penalties and Consequences

The Ministry of Manpower has regulated on Surat Edaran (SE) M/6/HI.00.01/V/2020 that the disbursement of religious days allowance (Tunjangan Hari Raya/THR) in 2020 can be postponed if the company’s financial condition gets impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic as long as the employees agree. However, the last disbursement of THR cannot be later than 7 days […]

New Covid Cluster: Office Fingerprint Absenteeism. Are the replacements?

In July 2020, the Indonesian Covid-19 task force’s team received reports about the increasing numbers of CoronaVirus clusters emerging in offices. Achmad Yurianto -the Government’s Covid-19 Spokesman advised that in Semarang, Jawa Tengah the CoronaVirus contagion happens through a fingerprint absenteeism machine. Moreover, it happens due to the poor health protocol being applied in the […]

New Calculation Formula of Pension Fund 2020

There is an amendment to the pension fund program (Jaminan Pensiun/JP) of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, which is regulated by the Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) No. 45 Year 2015. Per 1 March 2020, the maximum wage used in JP calculation is changed from Rp 8.512.400 to Rp 8.939.700. Example: An employer in Jakarta contributes 2% of the […]

How to Calculate Turnover Rates

Labor turnover (LTO) rate is the ratio of the amount of employees who stops working for the company, either by resignation or lay-off, to the average total employees in a period of time. Turnover rate can be calculated on a monthly basis or yearly basis, depending on the company budget period. Here is the formula […]